Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ghost of Blogs Way Over Due

This week has been a very informative and fun week.  Monday we had a nutritionist come in and speak to us about eating healthier. I found her information really interesting and, personally… depressing. The idea that in an entire day I should be eating about 10 ounces of meat - I eat more than that in one sitting. I know for a fact that I have eaten over 2,000 calories in one meal on multiple occasions. But while I probably won’t start making a meal of nuts and celery, I am going to make a better effort to put some more fruits and vegetables into my diet.

The next two days we were blessed to have Marvin Daniels, the director of Kids Across America, come and speak to us. The first thing we did was stand in the back of the chapel as Marvin gave us several statements that cause controversy in today’s society. After hearing the question we had to decide to agree or disagree with the statement and then defend our position. I really enjoyed getting to talk back and forth and share our opinions and beliefs. Marvin’s teaching was really challenging to me. You see, I know that there are areas in my life in which I know how I should act but choose not to. I’m paraphrasing, but Marvin made a statement that information without application leads to nothing. I have a lot of head knowledge but I need to be more proactive in applying that knowledge to my life and allowing the Lord to transform me through that.

Honestly there were so many things that stuck out to me while he spoke that I’ll just list off a few

·         “We live like what Jesus asks us to do is good enough for the pews but not the public”

·         “Friendship and obedience go hand in hand with God; you are not a “friend of God” if you are not obedient.”

·         “When you say “no” to your flesh you usually end up saying ‘yes’ or ‘I do’ to the Lord.”

One last thing that Marvin said that hit head on was when he was talking about the government. It was that I can criticize and critique and talk about our government and leaders until I’m blue in the face, but what God wants to know is, have I prayed?

I know that I love my country and I can get passionate about politics. Ever since high school I have told people about how important it is for Christians to be a voice in government, and a million things about what is wrong in our country. But how many times do I pray for America, its leaders and people? Not enough. At the end of the day God doesn’t care about how many people I talked to about politics; he wants to know how many people I gave the good news of the gospel to.  


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